The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Angelo Adorni

Adorni, Angelo


* 10th of April 1875

† 1963


1927-12-16 Colonel
1941-09-20 Brigadier-General (War merits)


1922-05-10 Attached to Royal Colonial Troops Somalia
1922-05-10 1924-03-16 Attached to 62nd Infantry Regiment
1924-03-16 1927-12-16 Attached to Parma Military District
1927-12-16 1931-04-23 Unemployed
1931-04-23 1931-04-26 Attached to Military Division Piacenza
1931-04-26 Unemployed
1939-04-10 Retired
1939-04-21 Recalled
1941-XX-XX In Italian East Africa
1941-XX-XX Prisoner of War