The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Leibnizio Abbamonte

Abbamonte, Leibnizio


* 7th of February 1878


1917-10-07 Lieutenant-Colonel
1927-01-13 Colonel (Seniority from 1927-01-01)
1933-12-01 Brigadier-General


1920-05-23 Attached to 6th Engineer Regiment
1920-05-23 Attached to Engineering Construction Workshop Pavia
1926-11-15 Attached to 2nd Engineer Group
1926-11-15 Attached to 3rd Engineer Group
1927-01-13 Attached to Military Division Milano
1927-05-16 Unemployed
1927-05-16 Attached to Military Division Pavia
1929-01-21 Unemployed
1939-01-01 Retired