The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Zheng Binggeng

Zheng Binggeng


* 1901

† 5th of March 1980



1939-11-25 Major-General
1947-11-19 Lieutenant-General


1933-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Chief Commissioner, Zhejiang Military Training Commission
1935-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Chief of Political Training, Military Commission
1936-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, Wuhan Field Headquarters
1937-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Chief of the Political Department, Central Military Academy
1939-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 9th War Area
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Secretary-General Nationalist Party, Military Administration Department
1945-XX-XX 1948-XX-XX Secretary-General, Quzhou Pacification Headquarters
1948-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Senior Staff Office, Army Headquarters
1950-XX-XX 1955-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, Taiwan University
1955-XX-XX 1961-XX-XX Deputy Chief of the General Political Department, Ministry of National Defence
1961-XX-XX Retired