The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Zeng Kuoqing

Zeng Kuoqing


* 1894

† 1983


(Ceng Kuoqing)


1943-01-08 Major-General


1926-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 20th Division
1927-XX-XX Secretary to Commander in Chief of the National Revolutionary Army
1927-XX-XX Chief of the Political Department, Central Military Academy
1934-XX-XX Chief of the Political Training Department, Beijing Branch Office, Military Commission
1937-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 8th War Area
1943-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Chief of the Political Department, Army College
1945-XX-XX Chief of Civil Affairs Bureau, Chongqing Field Office, Military Commission
1949-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, Chengdu Defence Command
1949-XX-XX Captured by the People's Liberation Army
1949-XX-XX 1959-XX-XX Imprisoned
1959-XX-XX Released