The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Mishōsuke Yoshito

Yoshito, Mishōsuke


* 19th of April 1882

† 11th of September 1943


(よしとみ しょうすけ)


1921-07-20 Lieutenant-Colonel
1924-07-16 Colonel
1929-12-10 Major-General
1933-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1918-12-06 1924-07-16 Staff Officer, General Staff
1919-04-18 1924-07-16 Staff Officer, Research Section, Army Infantry Regiment
1919-09-19 1923-02-17 Aide-de-Camp to Field Marshal
1924-07-16 1926-07-28 Commanding Officer 7th Infantry Regiment
1926-07-28 1928-08-10 Chief of Research Section, Army Infantry School
1926-07-28 1928-08-10 Instructor at the Army Infantry School
1928-08-10 1929-12-10 Chief of Staff, 20th Division
1929-12-10 1930-03-06 Attached to Main Army Armaments Factory
1930-03-06 1932-12-07 Commanding Officer 32nd Infantry Brigade
1932-12-07 1933-08-01 Attached to 2nd Division
1933-08-01 1933-08-30 In reserve
1933-08-30 Retired