The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Yasunao Yoshioka

Yoshioka, Yasunao


* 1st of November 1890

† 30th of November 1947


(よしおか やすなお)


1937-08-02 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General
1942-12-01 Lieutenant-General


1932-12-07 1934-08-01 Staff Officer, Kwantung Army
1934-08-01 1935-03-18 Instructor at the Military Academy
1935-03-18 1945-09-XX Military Attaché to the Court of Emperor Pu-Yi of Manchukuo
1935-07-18 1937-08-27 Staff Officer, Kwantung Army
1937-08-27 1937-09-14 Chief of Zhangjiakou Spacial Agency [China]
1937-09-14 1941-05-13 Staff Officer, Kwantung Army
1941-05-13 1941-07-07 Deputy Chief of Staff, Kwantung Army
1941-07-17 1942-07-01 Chief of Staff, Kwantung Defence Army
1942-07-01 1945-09-02 Staff Officer, Kwantung Army
1945-09-02 1947-11-30 Prisoner of War [Soviet Union]
1947-11-30 Died in Prison [Soviet Union]
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