The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ichirō Yoshimura

Yoshimura, Ichirō


* 1st of January 1891

† 24th of October 1965


(よしむら いちろう)


1935-08-01 Army Veterinarian 1st Class
1937-02-15 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General
1944-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1935-03-15 1937-03-01 Chief of Veterinary Section, Chosen Army [Korea]
1937-03-01 1938-02-18 Staff Officer, Research Section, Army Veterinary School
1938-02-18 1939-09-12 Chief of Veterinary Section, Central China Expeditionary Army
1939-09-12 1941-01-23 Chief of Veterinary Section, China Expeditionary Army
1941-01-23 1945-09-XX Commandant of the Army Veterinary School