The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kyūma Yoneyama

Yoneyama, Kyūma


* 10th of January 1889

† 26th of February 1948


(よねやま きゅうま)


1934-08-01 Colonel
1938-07-15 Major-General


1933-08-01 1935-08-01 Commanding Officer 10th Transport Battalion
1935-08-01 1936-08-01 Staff Officer, Inspectorate of Transportation
1936-08-01 1937-12-05 Commanding Officer Automobile Unit, Kwantung Army
1937-12-05 1938-07-18 Commanding Officer 1st Automobile Regiment
1938-07-18 1939-03-09 Commanding Officer 1st Field Transport Command
1939-03-09 1939-04-15 Attached to 2nd Depot Division
1939-04-15 1939-04-30 In reserve
1939-04-30 Retired
1945-09-XX 1948-02-26 Prisoner of War [Soviet Union]
1948-02-26 Died in a Prisoner of War Camp [Soviet Union]
Picture source: Yoneyama_Kyuma.jpg