The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Sōichi Yokoyama

Yokoyama, Sōichi


* 25th of July 1885

† 27th of November 1965


(よこやま そういち)


1937-03-01 Colonel
1941-08-25 Major-General


1934-08-01 1937-03-01 Chief of Veterinary Section, 20th Division
1937-03-01 1940-06-08 Chief of Veterinary Section, Imperial Guards Division
1940-06-08 1942-07-25 Chief of Veterinary Section, Imperial Guards Depot Division
1942-07-25 1944-03-01 Chief of Veterinary Section, 1st Area Army
1944-03-01 1944-03-02 In reserve
1944-03-02 Retired