The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Masaomi Yasuoka

Yasuoka, Masaomi


* 21st of July 1886

† 12th of April 1948


(やすおか まさおみ)


1930-08-01 Colonel
1935-03-15 Major-General
1938-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1930-08-01 1932-01-09 Commanding Officer 49th Infantry Regiment
1932-01-09 1935-03-15 Chief of Staff, 5th Division
1935-03-15 1936-08-01 Commanding Officer 30th Infantry Brigade
1936-08-01 1938-03-01 Commandant of the Army Tank School
1938-03-01 1938-08-12 Commanding Officer 1st Independent Mixed Brigade
1938-08-12 1939-08-01 Commanding Officer 1st Tank Group
1939-08-01 1941-03-01 General Officer Commanding 3rd Depot Division
1941-03-01 1941-03-31 In reserve
1941-03-31 Retired
1942-07-XX 1945-09-02 Governor of Surabaya [Indonesia]
1945-12-XX 1948-XX-XX Arrested
1948-XX-XX Condemned to death as a war criminal
1948-04-14 Executed
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