The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kinsaburō Yasumi

Yasumi, Kinsaburō


* 5th of April 1889

† 22nd of July 1960


(やすみ きんさぶろう)


1938-07-15 Colonel
1942-08-01 Major-General
1945-04-30 Lieutenant-General


1937-09-01 1940-01-30 Commanding Officer 101st Engineer Regiment
1940-01-30 1941-07-07 Commanding Officer Training Unit, Army Engineer School
1941-07-07 1942-07-01 Attached to 2nd Engineer Command
1942-07-01 1945-05-05 Commanding Officer 1st Engineer Command
1945-05-05 1945-06-01 Attached to the Army Infantry School
1945-06-01 1945-09-02 General Officer Commanding 320th Division
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