The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Timofei Frolovich Vorontsov

Vorontsov, Timofei Frolovich


* 28th of February 1907

† 23rd of January 1991

(Тимофей Фролович Воронцов)


1942-06-10 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-10-23 Colonel
1945-07-01 Major-General


1942-06-XX 1942-09-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 9th Reserve Army
1942-09-XX 1943-05-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, 24th Army
1942-09-XX 1943-05-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 24th Army
1943-05-XX 1945-06-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, 4th Guards Army
1943-05-XX 1945-06-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 4th Guards Army
1945-06-XX 1945-08-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, 35th Army
1945-06-XX 1945-08-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 35th Army
1945-08-XX 1945-09-XX Chief of Operations Section, Far Eastern Command
1945-12-XX 1947-02-XX Head of Geography & Foreign Armies Department, Higher Intelligence School of the General Staff
1947-02-XX 1951-04-XX Head of Geography Foreign Armies Department, Higher Intelligence School of the General Staff
1951-04-XX 1953-11-XX Deputy Head for Research & Academic Affairs, Intelligence Officers' Advanced Training Course
1953-11-XX Retired
Picture source: From: 'Великая Отечественная. Начальники разведки фронтов, армий, флотов, флотилий', 2014