The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Technical Troops Petr Gavrilovich Vershinin

Vershinin, Petr Gavrilovich

Major-General of Technical Troops

* 1900

† 1989

(Петр Гаврилович Вершинин)


1945-04-20 Major-General of Technical Troops


1942-11-XX Commandant of Kharkov Military Chemical School
1943-XX-XX Chief of Chemical Section, Northern Caucasian Front
1944-03-XX 1944-04-XX Chief of Chemical Section, Coastal Army
1944-04-XX 1945-XX-XX Chief of Chemical Section, 1st Ukrainian Front
1949-10-XX Commandant of Kostromsk Military Chemical School
Head of Command-Engineer Department, Military Chemical Academy
1958-08-XX 1958-10-30 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Chemical Troops
1958-10-30 Retired