The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Rishichi Tamura

Tamura, Rishichi


* 10th of June 1892

† 28th of September 1974


(たむら りしち)


1938-07-15 Colonel
1943-03-01 Major-General


1937-08-02 1939-05-19 Commanding Officer 4th Cavalry Regiment
1939-05-19 1941-03-01 Commanding Officer Sapporo Regimental District
1941-03-01 1943-03-01 Chief of Staff, 5th Depot Division
1943-03-01 1945-01-20 Commanding Officer 6th Railroad Transport Command
1945-01-20 1945-09-XX Chief of Construction Section, 14th Area Army