The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Hiroshi Tamura

Tamura, Hiroshi


* 23rd of May 1894

† 3rd of December 1962

(田村 浩)

(たむら ひろし)


1936-08-01 Colonel
1942-08-01 Major-General
1945-04-30 Lieutenant-General


1936-08-01 1938-06-10 Military Attaché to Thailand
1938-06-10 1938-09-09 Resident Officer in Hong Kong
1938-09-09 1939-08-01 Chief of Information Section, 21st Army
1939-08-01 1942-02-26 Military Attaché to Thailand
1942-02-26 1942-08-01 Attached to the General
1942-08-01 1942-12-01 Attached to the Army Field Artillery School
1942-12-01 1944-05-16 Commanding Officer 12th Artillery Group
1944-05-16 1944-10-02 Chief of Staff, Kwantung Defence Army
1944-10-02 1944-11-22 Attached to Western Army
1944-11-22 1946-05-21 Head of Prisoner of War Information Bureau