The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Nobuo Takeda

Takeda, Nobuo


* 12th of February 1896


(たけだ のぶお)


1938-03-01 Colonel
1941-08-25 Major-General
1944-10-26 Lieutenant-General


1937-03-01 1938-03-01 Staff Officer, Ordnance Bureau, Ministry of War
1938-03-01 1940-01-26 Instructor at the War College
1940-01-26 1940-04-01 Attached to Army Armaments Factory
1940-04-01 1941-11-13 Chief of ? Section, Army Ordnance Headquarters
1941-11-13 1943-06-10 Chief of Ordnance Section, Southern Army
1943-06-10 1943-12-27 Commanding Officer Nagoya Arsenal
1943-12-27 1945-09-XX Chief of Armaments Production Section, Army Administrative Ordnance Headquarters