The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Tsunekichi Takahashi

Takahashi, Tsunekichi


* 8th of January 1889

† 3rd of January 1972


(たかはし つねきち)


1936-08-01 Colonel
1939-03-09 Major-General


1935-08-01 1938-03-01 Chief of 2nd Branch, General Affairs Section, Army Aviation Headquarters
1938-03-01 1938-08-25 Commanding Officer 5th Air Battalion
1938-08-25 1939-03-09 Commanding Officer 31st Air Regiment
1939-03-09 1939-12-01 Attached to Eastern Defence Command
1939-12-01 1940-12-02 Commanding Officer 4th Air Group
1940-12-02 1941-10-15 Commandant of Tokyo Army Aviation School
1941-10-15 1941-10-30 In reserve
1941-10-30 Retired