The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Tan Takahashi

Takahashi, Tan


* 29th of January 1893

† 8th of January 1986

(高橋 坦)

(高橋 担)

(たかはし たん)


1938-03-01 Colonel
1941-03-01 Major-General
1944-10-26 Lieutenant-General


1937-11-01 1938-02-18 Attached to the General Staff
1938-02-18 1939-09-04 Attached to Central China Expeditionary Army
1939-09-04 1940-08-01 Senior Staff Officer, 13th Army
1940-08-01 1941-03-01 Commanding Officer 22nd Field Artillery Regiment
1941-03-01 1942-07-09 Chief of Staff, Chosen Army [Korea]
1942-07-09 1944-10-14 Deputy Chief of Staff, Southern Army
1944-10-14 1945-09-XX Chief of Staff, Northern China Area Army