The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Shōzaburō Takahashi

Takahashi, Shōzaburō


* 4th of October 1886

† 19th of December 1980


(たかはし しょうざぶろう)


1932-08-08 Colonel
1937-03-01 Major-General


1930-12-19 1933-08-01 Instructor at the Army Infantry School
1933-03-01 1935-06-26 Commanding Officer Sakai Regimental District
1935-06-26 1937-03-01 Commandant of Amamiooshima Fortress
1937-03-01 1937-03-29 In reserve
1937-03-29 Retired