The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Rishirō Shirotaki

Shirotaki, Rishirō


* 5th of September 1894

† 7th of November 1967


(しろたき りしろう)


1938-07-15 Colonel
1941-10-15 Major-General


1938-07-15 1939-03-25 Instructor at the Military Academy
1939-03-25 1940-04-13 Chief of Staff, 35th Division
1940-04-13 1942-04-15 Commanding Officer 133rd Infantry Brigade
1942-04-15 1943-04-08 Commanding Officer Infantry Group, 110th Division
1943-04-08 1944-10-16 Commanding Officer 18th Independent Garrison Unit
1944-10-16 1945-04-07 Attached to 7th Area Army
1945-04-07 1945-04-30 Attached to Eastern District Army
1945-04-30 1945-09-02 Chief of Administration Section, Taikyuzan Divisional District