The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Masu  Shindō


Lieutenant-General Masu

* 3rd of January 1893

(進藤 升)

(しんどう ます)


1937-11-01 Colonel
1941-03-01 Major-General
1944-10-26 Lieutenant-General


1938-07-15 1939-08-01 Chief of Medical Section, 17th Division
1939-08-01 1941-03-01 Chief of Medical Section, 1st Depot Division
1941-03-01 1943-06-10 Chief of Medical Section, 11th Army
1943-06-10 1945-09-XX Chief of Medical Section, Chosen Army [Korea]
1945-01-29 1945-09-XX Chief of Medical Section, 17th Area Army