The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Genpei Shimoyama

Shimoyama, Genpei


* 18th of May 1888

† 6th of May 1941


(しもやま げんぺい)


1935-08-01 Colonel
1939-03-09 Major-General


1935-08-01 1937-03-01 Attached to 1st Division
1937-03-01 1939-03-09 Commanding Officer Utsunomiya Regimental District
1939-03-09 1939-12-01 Commandant of Pusan (Chinhae Bay) Fortress
1939-12-01 1940-03-09 Attached to Chosen Army [Korea]
1940-03-09 1940-03-30 In reserve
1940-03-30 Retired