The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ikkaku Shimono

Shimono, Ikkaku


* 11th of September 1889

† 24th of June 1969


(しもの いっかく)


1934-08-01 Colonel
1938-03-01 Major-General
1940-12-02 Lieutenant-General


1932-04-11 1935-03-15 Instructor at the War College
1935-03-15 1937-03-01 Commanding Officer 8th Heavy Field Artillery Regiment
1937-03-01 1938-03-01 Chief of Staff, 6th Division
1938-03-01 1938-07-15 Attached to Shimoshidzu Army Aviation School
1938-07-15 1938-11-28 Commandant of Kumagai Army Aviation School
1938-11-28 1940-08-01 Commanding Officer 9th Air Group
1940-08-01 1942-02-03 Commandant of Shimoshidzu Army Aviation School
1942-02-03 1944-03-01 General Officer Commanding 58th Division
1944-03-01 1944-05-16 Attached to Southern Army
1944-05-16 1944-12-30 Inspector at Southern Army
1944-12-30 1945-02-01 Attached to Eastern Army
1945-02-01 Retired