The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kenji Shimokawabe

Shimokawabe, Kenji


* 4th of December 1888

† 20th of March 1951


(しもかわべ けんじ)


1939-03-09 Colonel
1943-08-02 Major-General


1939-05-19 1940-12-02 Commanding Officer Kurume Regimental District
1940-12-02 1943-08-02 Commanding Officer 88th Infantry Regiment
1943-08-02 1944-04-08 Commanding Officer Infantry Group, 43rd Division
1944-04-08 1945-09-02 Commanding Officer 23rd Independent Mixed Brigade [China]
1951-03-20 Died of Illness [China]