The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kikuzō Shimizu

Shimizu, Kikuzō


* 14th of August 1889

† 1st of January 1969


(しみず きくぞう)


1935-12-02 Army Intendant 1st Class
1937-02-15 Colonel
1939-03-09 Major-General
1942-04-01 Lieutenant-General


1935-12-02 1937-08-02 Chief of Intendancy Section, 11th Division
1937-08-02 1939-03-09 Chief of Food & Clothing Section, Intendancy Bureau
1939-03-09 1941-03-01 Commanding Officer Field Supply Depot, Northern China Area Army
1941-03-01 1941-12-01 Chief of Intendancy Section, Taiwan Army
1941-12-01 1942-08-01 Head of Storage, Kwantung Army
1942-08-01 1944-10-26 Head of Seiju Factory
1944-10-26 1945-09-XX Chief of Intendancy Section, China Expeditionary Army
1946-07-27 Retired