The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Masato Shii

Shii, Masato


* 22nd of October 1889

† 6th of May 1945


(しい まさと)


1938-03-01 Colonel
1943-08-02 Major-General
1945-05-06 Lieutenant-General (Posthumously)


1938-12-10 1940-03-09 Commanding Officer Nagoya Army Armaments Depot
1940-03-09 1941-11-14 Commanding Officer Osaka Army Armaments Depot
1941-11-14 1943-03-18 Chief of Ordnance Section, 15th Army
1943-03-18 1943-06-01 Chief of Ordnance Section, Burma Area Army
1943-06-01 1945-05-06 Inspector, Army Ordnance Administrative Headquarters
1945-03-15 1945-05-06 Attached to Central District Army
1945-05-06 Died