The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Shigekatsu Shōda

Shōda, Shigekatsu


* 21st of March 1888

† 14th of November 1974


(しょうだ しげかつ)


1936-08-01 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General


1935-08-01 1937-03-01 Chief of Ordnance Section, 16th Division
1937-03-01 1939-09-01 Head of Tokyo Army Armaments Factory
1939-09-01 1940-08-01 Head of Central China Field Arsenal
1940-08-01 1940-12-01 Attached of Army Ordnance Headquarters
1940-12-01 1940-12-28 In reserve
1940-12-28 Retired
1945-04-01 Recalled
1945-04-01 1945-04-18 Attached to Army Fuel Headquarters
1945-04-18 1945-09-XX Attached to Kwantung Army
1945-04-18 1945-09-XX Attached to 2nd Army Fuel Factory, Army Fuel Headquarters