The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Mario Roveda

Roveda, Mario


* 7th of May 1889

† 19th of August 1958


1937-09-01 Colonel
1942-07-22 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-07-01)


1939-01-18 Attached to Torino Corps
1939-01-18 1941-07-20 Commanding Officer 232nd Infantry Regiment "Avellino" [Albania]
1941-07-20 Commanding Officer 14th Territorial Defence Sector
1942-08-01 1942-11-01 Commanding Officer 100th March Brigade
1942-11-01 1942-11-16 Attached to the Delegation of the Supreme General Staff to North Africa
1942-11-16 1943-02-05 Attached to Libya General Headquarters
1943-02-05 1943-03-01 Attached to Napoli Territorial Defence Command
1943-03-01 Attached to Milano Territorial Defence Command