The Generals of WWII

Generals from Belgium Flag for Belgium
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Albert Nyssens

Nyssens, Albert


* 15th of April 1877

† 30th of January 1963


1922-03-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1927-06-26 Colonel
1933-06-26 Major-General
1935-09-26 Lieutenant-General


1924-01-01 1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 12th Artillery Regiment
1927-XX-XX 1933-06-06 Instructor at the War School
1933-06-06 1935-12-31 Military Attaché to Great Britain
1936-01-01 1939-07-01 Commandant of the Royal Military School
1939-07-01 Retired
1939-11-22 Recalled
1939-11-22 1940-05-XX Commandant of the Royal Military School
1940-05-XX Head of the Belgian Military Mission to the British Expeditionary Corps