The Generals of WWII

Generals from Belgium Flag for Belgium
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Prudent-Amand Nuyten

Nuyten, Prudent-Amand


* 23rd of February 1874

† 22nd of December 1954


1919-03-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1921-12-26 Colonel
1929-03-26 Major-General
1932-12-26 Lieutenant-General


1919-03-20 1925-04-09 Instructor at the War School
1925-04-09 1927-06-26 Deputy Commandant of the War School
1927-09-26 1929-05-16 Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Defence
1929-05-16 1932-12-26 Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1932-02-16 1950-XX-XX Aide-de-Camp to the King
1932-12-26 1934-10-XX Chief of the General Staff
1934-XX-XX 1935-01-01 General Officer Commanding II Corps
1935-01-01 Retired
1939-09-26 Recalled
1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Inspector-General of Infantry
1940-XX-XX Liaison officer of the King to French GQG
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