The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Jukichi Nagaoka

Nagaoka, Jukichi


* 4th of October 1886

† 26th of May 1945


(ながおか じゅきち)


1930-08-01 Colonel
1935-03-15 Major-General


1930-08-01 1932-08-08 Commanding Officer 33rd Infantry Regiment
1932-08-08 1933-03-18 Staff Officer, Chosen Army [Korea]
1933-03-18 1933-08-01 Chief of Instruction Section, Toyama Army School
1933-08-01 1935-03-15 Executive Officer, Toyama Army School
1935-03-15 1935-03-30 In reserve
1935-03-30 Retired
1945-03-31 Recalled
1945-03-31 1945-07-01 Chief of Administration Section, Tokyo Divisional District
1945-07-01 Retired