The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Genji Nagamochi

Nagamochi, Genji


* 23rd of July 1884

† 18th of August 1978


(ながもち げんじ)


1926-07-28 Colonel
1931-08-01 Major-General
1935-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1926-03-02 1928-03-08 Chief of Firearms Branch, Ordnance Bureau, Ministry of War
1928-03-08 1930-06-02 Resident Officer in France, Army Technical Headquarters
1930-06-02 1930-08-01 Attached to the Army Technical Headquarters
1930-08-01 1931-08-01 Commanding Officer Yokosuka Heavy Artillery Regiment
1931-08-01 1932-04-11 Head of Artillery Department, Army Artillery Engineering School
1932-04-11 1933-08-01 Attached to the Inspectorate of Artillery
1933-08-01 1935-03-15 Head of Osaka Army Arsenal
1935-03-15 1936-08-01 Commandant of the Army Artillery Engineering School
1936-08-01 1938-12-10 Head of the Army Armaments Factory
1938-12-10 1938-12-28 In reserve
1938-12-28 Retired