The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Kombrig Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Milonov

Milonov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich


* October 1897

† 19th of December 1937

(Александр Александрович Милонов)


1936-05-31 Kombrig


1931-06-XX Chief of Military Section, Central Committee, Society for Assistance to Defence, Aviation & Chemical Construction
1937-07-29 Chairman of the Central Committee, Society for Assistance to Defence, Aviation & Chemical Construction, Belorussian SSR
1937-07-29 Dismissed
1937-09-05 1937-12-19 Arrested
1937-12-19 Condemned to death
1937-12-19 Executed
1956-06-06 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko