The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Renato Mazzucco

Mazzucco, Renato


* 10th of February 1891

(Regia Aeronautica)


1929-05-16 Colonel


1932-10-XX Attached to Directorate-General of Material & Airports
1934-11-XX Attached to the Air Staff
1937-02-19 1937-05-01 Commanding Officer Italian East Africa Air Command
1940-06-10 1941-12-14 Commanding Officer Sicily Air Command
1942-10-05 1943-08-08 Commanding Officer 3rd Air Army
Picture source: From 'Ordine Militare d'Italia 1911-1964' by Ufficio Storico dell'Aeronautica Militare, 1969