The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Setsu Matsui

Matsui, Setsu


* 17th of May 1885

† 17th of May 1970

(松井 節)

(まつい せつ)


1936-12-01 Colonel
1940-03-09 Major-General


1936-12-01 1937-09-07 Commanding Officer 36th Depot Regiment
1937-09-07 1939-12-20 Commanding Officer 136th Infantry Regiment
1939-12-20 1941-03-01 Attached to 4th Depot Division
1941-03-01 1942-07-01 Commanding Officer Infantry Group, 24th Division
1942-07-01 1944-03-02 Chief of Administration Section, 51st Depot Division
1944-03-02 Retired
1944-04-22 Recalled
1944-04-22 1945-02-20 Commanding Officer 10th Field Replacement Unit [China]
1945-02-20 1945-09-02 Commanding Officer 85th Independent Mixed Brigade