The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Enrico Martinengo

Martinengo, Enrico


* 6th of March 1894


1938-07-26 Colonel (Seniority from 1938-01-01)
1943-01-25 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1943-01-01)


1938-07-26 Acting Commanding Officer 6th Frontier Guards Artillery Regiment
1938-07-26 1939-10-15 Commanding Officer 6th Frontier Guards Artillery Regiment
1939-10-15 Attached to Bolzano Corps
1942-08-15 Commanding Officer 6th Frontier Guards Artillery Group
1942-08-15 Chief of staff, Artillery, III Corps
1943-02-07 1943-02-25 Attached to III Corps
1943-03-25 Attached to Aegean Islands General Headquarters