The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kihachirō Man

Man, Kihachirō


* 13th of February 1883

† 10th of October 1938

(万 喜八郎)

(まん きはちろう)


1927-07-26 Colonel
1932-08-08 Major-General


1925-08-07 1929-03-16 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), Taiwan
1929-03-16 1930-08-01 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), Osaka
1930-08-01 1931-09-15 Chief of General Affairs Section, Military Police (Kempeitai) Headquarters
1931-09-15 1932-08-08 Attached to the Military Police (Kempeitai) Headquarters
1932-08-08 Retired