The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Ma Dianfu

Ma Dianfu


* 21st of April 1890

† February 1955



1924-11-XX Lieutenant-Colonel (Post rank)
1927-09-XX Colonel (Post rank)
1933-06-XX Major-General (Post rank)
1936-06-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-08-06 Colonel
1947-03-22 Major-General


1924-11-XX 1926-03-XX Commanding Officer Engineer Battalion, 2nd Army, Guangxi Army
1926-03-XX 1927-09-XX Commanding Officer Engineer Battalion, 7th Army
1927-09-XX 1929-06-XX Chief of Transport Section, 15th Army
1929-06-XX 1930-08-XX Unemployed
1930-08-XX 1933-06-XX Chief of Engineer Department, 1st Branch School, Central Military Academy
1933-06-XX 1937-08-XX Chief of Staff Section, 7th Army
1937-08-XX 1943-07-XX Chief of Rear Section, 7th Army
1943-07-XX 1945-10-XX Chief of Staff Section, Guangxi Pacification Headquarters
1945-10-XX 1947-03-22 Unemployed
1947-03-22 Retired