The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Gavriil Vasilevich Likhov

Likhov, Gavriil Vasilevich


* 6th of March 1901

† 29th of September 1967

(Гавриил Васильевич Лихов)


1941-06-XX Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-06-03 Major-General
1952-XX-XX Lieutenant-General


1941-07-08 Acting Chief of Staff, Kiev Fortified Area
1941-07-08 1941-08-02 Deputy Chief of Staff, Kiev Fortified Area
1941-08-02 Severely wounded
1941-09-29 1941-10-10 Chief of Staff, Maloiaroslavetsk Fortified Area
1942-02-01 1942-03-26 Chief of Staff, Odintsovsk Fortified Area
1942-02-07 1942-04-11 Acting Commanding Officer, Odintsovsk Fortified Area
1942-05-09 1945-XX-XX Commanding Officer 119th Fortified Area
1946-07-29 1947-09-07 Commanding Officer 25th Separate Rifle Brigade
1948-12-31 1951-11-23 Commanding Officer 10th Separate Mechanised Brigade
Picture source:Лихов,_Гавриил_Васильевич