The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kiyōshi Kazahaya

Kazahaya, Kiyōshi


* 21st of December 1888

† 19th of August 1949

(風早 清)

(かざはや きよし)


1937-03-01 Colonel
1940-08-01 Major-General


1936-08-01 1937-08-24 Staff Officer, Army Technical Headquarters
1937-08-24 1938-07-15 Commanding Officer 2nd Field Chemical Experiment Department
1938-07-15 1940-08-01 Commanding Officer 8th Engineer Regiment
1940-08-01 1941-12-01 Commandant of Hokoto Fortress
1941-12-01 1941-12-28 In reserve
1941-12-28 Retired