The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Osato Kawamata

Kawamata, Osato


* 28th of July 1895

† 26th of June 1974


(かわまた おさと)


1938-03-01 Colonel
1941-08-25 Major-General
1945-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1936-03-07 1938-01-12 Military Attaché to the Soviet Union
1938-01-12 1939-04-20 Chief of 5th Section (Russian Intelligence), 2nd Section, General Staff
1939-03-09 1940-08-01 Commanding Officer 6th Infantry Regiment
1940-08-01 1941-10-15 Chief of Staff, 23rd Division
1941-10-15 1945-03-09 Commandant of Nakano Army School
1945-03-09 1945-09-XX General Officer Commanding 58th Division