The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Sunao Kawahara

Kawahara, Sunao


* 16th of November 1878

† 28th of November 1953

(川原 侃)

(かわはら すなお)


1926-03-02 Colonel
1931-08-01 Major-General


1922-08-15 1925-07-10 Commanding Officer 1st Independent Defence Battalion
1925-07-10 1927-05-06 Attached to Imperial Guards Division
1927-05-06 1930-08-01 Commanding Officer 2nd Imperial Guards Regiment
1930-08-01 1932-09-01 Commandant of Toyohashi Army Instruction School
1932-09-01 1935-03-15 Commanding Officer 16th Infantry Brigade
1935-03-15 1935-03-30 In reserve
1935-03-30 Retired