The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Shigesada Kawagoe

Kawagoe, Shigesada


* 8th of July 1897

† 21st of December 1956


(かわごえ しげさだ)


1939-08-01 Colonel
1944-03-01 Major-General


1939-01-16 1939-08-01 Staff Officer, Military Administration Bureau, Ministry of War
1939-08-01 1940-08-27 Commanding Officer 9th Infantry Regiment
1940-08-27 1941-07-07 Attached to Chosen Army Headquarters
1941-07-07 1942-04-01 Chief of Staff, 5th Division
1942-04-01 1944-08-03 Attached to the Total Warfare Institute
1944-08-03 1945-09-XX Chief of Staff, 5th Army
1945-09-XX 1956-12-21 Prisoner of War [Soviet Union]
1956-12-21 Died in a Prisoner of War Camp [Soviet Union]