The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Haruhitōu Kanin

Kanin, Haruhitōu


* 3rd of August 1902

† 18th of June 1988


(かんいんのみや はるひとおう)

(Kaninnomiya Haruhitōu)


1941-08-25 Colonel
1945-06-10 Major-General


1941-04-01 1941-09-11 Student at the Total Warfare Research Institute
1941-09-11 1942-03-02 Attached to the War College
1942-03-02 1942-10-01 Attached to Chiba Army Tank School
1942-10-01 1945-03-07 Commanding Officer 5th Tank Regiment
1945-03-07 1945-08-12 Attached to 4th Tank Division
1945-08-12 1945-09-02 General Officer Commanding 4th Tank Division
1945-12-XX Retired