The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Senichi Kamata

Kamata, Senichi


* 23rd of August 1896

† 3rd of November 1975


(かまた せんいち)


1938-07-15 Colonel
1941-10-15 Major-General
1945-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1938-03-01 1939-01-16 Chief of Defence Preparations Branch, Military Administration Bureau, Ministry of War
1939-01-16 1940-09-30 Chief of Traffic Branch, Economic Mobilization Bureau, Ministry of War
1940-09-30 1941-10-18 Commanding Officer 5th Railroad Regiment
1941-10-18 1943-02-03 Commanding Officer 4th Special Railroad Command
1943-02-03 1943-12-27 Chief of Railroad Training Section
1943-12-27 1944-12-16 Commanding Officer Kwantung Army Railroad Command
1944-12-16 1945-01-20 Chief of Staff, Continental Railroad Command
1945-01-20 1945-08-24 Commanding Officer 2nd Field Railroad Command
1945-08-24 1945-09-02 Attached to Army Ordnance Administrative Headquarters
1945-10-27 1945-11-30 Deputy Chief of Staff, 1st General Army
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