The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Eijirō Kaji

Kaji, Eijirō


* 8th of December 1886

† 11th of January 1961

(梶 栄次郎)

(かじ えいじろう)


1936-08-01 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General


1934-08-01 1937-02-25 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai) Nagoya
1937-02-25 1939-03-09 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai) Affairs Section, Kwantung Army
1939-03-09 1940-08-01 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai) Korea
1940-08-01 1942-09-02 Attached to Western Army
1942-09-02 Retired