The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Takeshi Hirose

Hirose, Takeshi


* 5th of January 1882

† 17th of July 1934

(広瀬 猛)

(ひろせ たけし)


1923-08-06 Colonel
1928-08-10 Major-General
1932-12-07 Lieutenant-General


1920-08-20 1924-08-20 Instructor at the War College
1924-08-20 1925-05-01 Commanding Officer 55th Infantry Regiment
1925-05-01 1929-08-29 Commanding Officer 4th Air Regiment
1927-07-26 1928-03-08 Chief of Training Section, Shimoshidzu Army Aviation School
1929-08-29 1932-04-11 Chief of 4th Section, General Staff
1932-04-11 1933-03-18 Commandant of Tokorozawa Army Aviation School
1933-03-18 1934-07-17 Executive Officer, War College