The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kanjirō Hirate

Hirate, Kanjirō


* 12th of August 1867

† 15th of March 1958


(ひらて かんじろう)


1924-12-15 Army Intendant 1st Class
1930-08-01 Intendant Major-General
1934-08-01 Intendant General
1937-02-15 Lieutenant-general


1926-03-02 1928-08-10 Chief of Intendancy Section, 5th Division
1928-08-10 1929-12-10 Chief of Intendancy Section, 3rd Division
1929-12-10 1933-08-01 Chief of Intendancy Section, 4th Division
1933-08-01 1934-06-28 Chief of Intendancy Section, Imperial Guards Division
1934-06-28 1935-03-15 Commandant of the Army Intendancy School
1934-08-01 1937-08-11 Executive Officer, Army Intendancy School
1937-08-11 1937-08-14 In reserve
1937-08-14 Retired