The Generals of WWII

Generals from USA Flag for USA
Portrait of Brigadier-General Sherman Vitus Hasbrouck

Hasbrouck, Sherman Vitus


* 18th of June 1898

† 12th of March 2002


1941-12-11 Lieutenant-Colonel (Army of the United States)
1942-07-20 Colonel (Army of the United States)
1943-07-02 Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-01-13 Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)
1946-03-05 Termination of rank Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)
1948-03-11 Colonel


1940-07-XX 1942-01-XX Instructor at the Field Artillery School
1942-02-XX Attached to G-1 Division, War Department General Staff
1944-01-XX Attached to Military Personnel Division, Army Service Forces
1944-01-XX 1944-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 23rd Coast Artillery Regiment
1944-07-XX 1946-03-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, 97th Infantry Division [Northwestern Europa - Japan]
1946-03-XX 1946-12-XX Attached to the Manhattan Project
1947-01-XX 1949-07-XX Chief of Staff, Army Forces Special Weapons Project
1949-07-XX Member of US Representation, Military Staff Commission, United Nations
1955-XX-XX Retired