The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ryūshirō Haruta

Haruta, Ryūshirō


* 24th of July 1885

† 30th of September 1964


(はるた りゅうしろう)


1929-08-01 Colonel
1934-08-01 Major-General
1937-11-01 Lieutenant-General


1929-08-01 1931-08-01 Commanding Officer 5th Air Regiment
1931-08-01 1932-04-11 Chief of Instruction Section, Akeno Army Aviation School
1932-04-11 1934-08-01 Chief of 2nd Branch, General Affairs Section, Army Aviation Headquarters
1934-08-01 1936-03-07 Commandant of Akeno Army Aviation School
1936-03-07 1938-03-01 Commandant of Shimoshidzu Army Aviation School
1938-03-01 1938-03-25 In reserve
1938-03-25 Retired